Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bedini's Quotes on school girl monopole motor

The SG is a simple project, It was designed to give a basic understanding in Unidirectional pulses and how they can be used to charge a storage battery. but the Scalar functions of this circuit my not be understood by everybody. I have pointed out time and time Again the reason for not closing the loops in the system. My theory goes way beyond this group. The machine is a model, how you can effect space around that coil. All engineers think that a coil is nothing more then an electromagnet with a north and south pole, how very untrue. People think that the energy comes from the rate of change (di/dt). but how does the energy couple in the windings and where does it come from within the magnetic field. Most do not understand what a coil can be made to do if pumped with sharp gradients. For one thing the coil becomes a quadrupole field, (Gravity Wave Converter at 90 degrees). The reason for no closed loop around the coil. Then we must combine the true magnetic field with the north pole's around the wheel. However when using all north poles we have setup a set of Scalars around that wheel also, indicated by Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 Q6 as shown in my drawings always. 

These Scalars are just vectors but not uniform in level The Difference between these scalars Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6. sets up a bias voltage in the machine That subtracts from the generated output. The reason you see very little current on the output of the machine. The effect is that these Scalar Vectors > move in one direction to the battery. The lattice arrangement in the battery allows the Vectors to couple and form real EM current in that battery. As long as the Scalar component does not couple in The machine to form power Lenz's law does not apply, since we are not perfect in what we do a little leakage is possible in drag on the machine. The trigger can pump the Bloch wall, by doing this we build an energy pump. 

Space around the coil or the vacuum ( Empty nothing) is like an electrical gas but the Scalars never couple in it, so you say we can't find anything. By taking the the Bloch wall where the two domains come together and Pumping that we open a window for Zero Point energy, very small in this machine but workable for this group. The energy always enters through this wall at right angles, the energy then couples in the windings of that coil. Producing what everybody terms as Back EMF, how wrong as Back EMF is never more then the source voltage under any condition. However the energy that does couple is at the exact level of potential of the electrical gas that surrounds you. Change the impedance of the coil you change the coupling effect. Now you have my answers, this is as far as I will go. Go sit and ponder it, you won't find it in a  textbook. The next step would be to take a quantum mechanics class. I had to make this machine  simple so anybody could build it. As I said you already have a free energy machine in front of you,  that little magnet, once charged it's forever unless you kill it cause a variance in the bloch wall and you have all the energy you want without movement. But you want to continue to move magnets Across coils the hard way to get energy, be my guest. - John B

  • Capturing of the spikes is considered radiant energy. Sharp transient in the spikes. Negative  energy comes from the battery. Once you generate the spikes to the battery. Negative effect to the battery because no heating in the battery. Steal that transient into the  battery.
  • Cannot put the secondary battery back to the front, they are different energy : positive and  negative. You can put any amount of battery on secondary side. Then, use an inverter to  charged the front.
  • No Lenz's Law. BEMF . It's free in monopole system. No counter BEMF to slow down the  motor. If we slow down the motor, we can't draw even more current.
  • Is pendulum system closed loop system? There are two loops not tied together. Out of phase  of each other. Comes in after. Charge the iron in the pendulum and trigger pulse takes place  later. About 22 deg after that. It's in between 2 magnets when the coil fires.
  • Imaginary pole between 2 magnetic north . Sharp pin point beams they come out and go  around. The south appears between the poles. The motor isn't running until it passes the  pole (south). Between this two magnets is where the coil fires. It's scalar south. Two north  poles pushed together to make a magnetic pin point beam. Not a good generator. No south pole, it's imaginary.

  • 2 different energies. One is driving the other is radiant used to charge the battery.
  • The south is about 23 deg. Since the motor is attractive, it is going to push away from  south. A zero between north and south. Zero. 23 with 8-pole motor. For 16 pole it is about  11.25 deg. The radiant charge precede the current flows. Capacitor causes heat. Charging, discharging, firing. (Charging iron=giving magnetic potential to the iron core.) 

  • Charging iron, discharging iron, pole reverse and then firing.

  • When you hook three batteries up, two in series on the left and one on the right with negative terminal connected, it is not nothing.  There is a potential of 1.5V flowing. A wave of 3 and a wave of 1.5. A wave +3V and -3V. Expand the wave and put information. When it zeros out, it is going to contain all the information in the subtraction. 

  • When I put a wave into the transistor, what is going to come out is the scalar function (impulse). 

  • If I have a potential, generated with a spike of 300V and put it to the positive terminal. Take the invert transistor to the ground with some form of switch. When I closed the switch, the difference of potential is charging the battery. The 300V substracts the 12V. We want just potential and no current. 
  • First, getting rid of mathematics involve with current. Second, hidden potential within subtraction.Whole idea is to hide all the information in the zero. Thus, this becomes a sharp transient. 

  • If we expand the sharp transient, all we have is this hidden stuff.

  • I charge this iron at this potential. Now, magnet leaves, the iron wants to discharge and the pole in the iron flips. That is the correct phase for the transistor to fire. It is an attractive motor, instead of repulsion. What kicks the wheel away is this imaginary south.  No power in machine, not any torque been developed. Just triggering mechanism to catch this energy. The south triggering is to get the motion. What you really get is the hidden information after the cancellation (impulse). Then, send it to the battery and recharge. 
  • Conventional circuit shorts it out with protection diode. In this design the diode send the spike out. 

  • The pulse going negative, trying to be negative resistor. That cools it off. We want to capture the spike above the 12V.

  • Build a receiver that tune into pressure wave. It is wave beyond light.Capture the particle and convert into electron. 

  • The current didn't get there. It's so fast. It's instantaneous. The meter sees the zero. (because) You  can't measure the current. Current slows. What control everything is the magnetic field. Is like pressure valve for the radiant.  The bigger the magnetic field the slower is the radiant. EM field is just a regulator to keep  everything pops.
  • You coil up a wire,  the magnetic field is collapsing, slowing down the frequency. Only a few frequency the radiant spike can pass through. 

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