Tuesday, September 29, 2009
US Pat 7053576 Energy Conversion Systems by Correa
"The motor response far exceeds the conventional input power, indicating that the whole system can be tuned to resonance such that optimal power capture inside the reactor takes place, the critical limit rate lying at around 60pps, when the motor response is firmly within the pulse response plateau. At this juncture, the break-even efficiency for the measured rates of energy flux over time reach 700% (overunity coefficient of 7), in keeping with the observations and the values we have made in the PAGD conversion system. In the proportional part of the curve, before the plateau is reached, even greater rates of break-even efficiency - up to >1000% were registered. The results constitute the first time we have been able to confirm the presence of output energy in excess of break-even over the conventional mass-bound evnergy input in the PAGD inverter system and the results are comparable to what we have observed and previously reported for the PAGD converter system."..pg29.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Similarity between Barrett and Meyl
OSC networks are inductive-reactive with two-way directional line feedback rather than resistive single-way directional line feedback, the latter being the mainstream approach to nonlinear devices. Pat5493691
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Resonance Effect
Russian Alexander V. Frolov said, "In resonance, as you must know from college textbook, sources not the source of current, but it is the source of voltage only. It doesn't require current from source that doesn't require the power expense. "
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The trick is spiral coil
"Reference articles are attached showing the use of “broadband spiral antennas” and phase conjugate mirrors for amplifying electromagnetic frequencies that make up quantum noise. The tunneling current in the diodes can also be influenced by the use of magnetic fields as low as 10 gauss as well."
Thomas Valone,"Proposed Use of Zero Bias Diode Arrays as Thermal Electric Noise Rectifiers and Non-Thermal Energy Harvesters.",Proceedings of Space, Propulsion and Energy Sciences International Forum (SPESIF), Feb 24 2009.
Thomas Valone,"Proposed Use of Zero Bias Diode Arrays as Thermal Electric Noise Rectifiers and Non-Thermal Energy Harvesters.",Proceedings of Space, Propulsion and Energy Sciences International Forum (SPESIF), Feb 24 2009.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Adding Battery
I hooked up the AC source to the base and emitter of MJ21194 transistor. The collector is connected to the positive polarity of 12V 7Ah lead acid battery. The negative polarity of the battery to the positive side of coil B. The receiver side of coil B has no load connected. The power blow up the LED at the transmitter side of coil B. Note: There is no return ground to the AC source and the coil B negative polarity. Hooking up too long does not blow up the second LED but the 0 ohm resistor is putting out smoke.
My intention is to pump the battery without killing the dipole and observe battery does not die out.
My intention is to pump the battery without killing the dipole and observe battery does not die out.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Validating Meyl's Device
On coil B, at 13MHz, the LED at receiver side turns on and the transceiver side turns off. The measurement shows that there is overunity. This is verified by hooking on the same scope channel. (My scope has slight error on different channel) However, then i switched to AC load the power is so much less and no overunity. I wonder why the voltage can turn lower than Vf of LED when I used AC load. Hooking up the probe will turn off the LED and I have to invert the polarity. Could this probing cause the AC load to be low? I remember switching to AC load the transmitter LED turns on. When the probe sucks the power from receiver's LED did the transmitter LED turns on ? Answer: The scope connects the ground point between the channel. Hence, it affects the measurement when we change the polarity.
Coil B @14Mhz without the metal ball, when the transmitter primary and receiver load ground are connected, the LED will turn on. Overunity observed.
Coil B @13Mhz and 20cm ground wire, the transmitter's LED will light up when I switched to AC and DC load. But for LED, the transmitter's LED will turned off. When I used 1m ground wire, the transmitter LED will never turn on regardless of AC load,DC load or LED at receiver side. Slight overunity observed when used with 1m ground wire. However when the amplitude is pumped up the overunity is less obvious. Overunity disappeared with higher amplitude. How about 6m ground wire?
It is weird to see that when I put the jumper for LED on transmitter side the power consumption is reduced compared to without LED jumper and the receiver power increased. Trying with LEDs in parallel does not affect the overunity power. What if the LED is in series, can I pump up the amplitude while maintaining overunity?
Does square wave improve overunity because of fast rise time and back EMF?
Coil B @14Mhz without the metal ball, when the transmitter primary and receiver load ground are connected, the LED will turn on. Overunity observed.
Coil B @13Mhz and 20cm ground wire, the transmitter's LED will light up when I switched to AC and DC load. But for LED, the transmitter's LED will turned off. When I used 1m ground wire, the transmitter LED will never turn on regardless of AC load,DC load or LED at receiver side. Slight overunity observed when used with 1m ground wire. However when the amplitude is pumped up the overunity is less obvious. Overunity disappeared with higher amplitude. How about 6m ground wire?
It is weird to see that when I put the jumper for LED on transmitter side the power consumption is reduced compared to without LED jumper and the receiver power increased. Trying with LEDs in parallel does not affect the overunity power. What if the LED is in series, can I pump up the amplitude while maintaining overunity?
Does square wave improve overunity because of fast rise time and back EMF?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Update on Steven Mark's TPU
The patent was not sold to MPI. MPI maintain a different technology. Steven Mark refers to Valve Amplifier 3rd Ed. pg 262, "The inrush of current through the filament interacts with the earth's magnetic field to produce a small kick." This small kick is huge when you have multiple kick added together.
Steven understands Tesla impulse current in Edison's DC generator. The kick came out of the wire perpendicularly. The kick is about how fast the capacitor discharged and how fast Tesla stops the current flow AT the spark gap. His goals were to get the time in which the discharge is STOPPED to be much quicker. As Tesla did this he found that the perpendicular radiations, the ones from the wires, caused electrical effects to appear in wires and other copper/metal materials near the STOPPED current/discharge. These electrical effects could be made to create electrons on other wires and copper around his STOPPED current/discharge wire.
This looks like cross talk effect by impulse current.
Steven understands Tesla impulse current in Edison's DC generator. The kick came out of the wire perpendicularly. The kick is about how fast the capacitor discharged and how fast Tesla stops the current flow AT the spark gap. His goals were to get the time in which the discharge is STOPPED to be much quicker. As Tesla did this he found that the perpendicular radiations, the ones from the wires, caused electrical effects to appear in wires and other copper/metal materials near the STOPPED current/discharge. These electrical effects could be made to create electrons on other wires and copper around his STOPPED current/discharge wire.
This looks like cross talk effect by impulse current.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Theory on Wardenclyffe Failure
The story is frequently told that when Morgan found out from Tesla that the true purpose of the Wardenclyffe transmitter was to provide free electricity to the world, he abruptly pulled the funding. That's not completely accurate. The economic conditions were recessionary at the time and the stock market had taken a considerable dip that year. Morgan wasn't interested in risking any more capital in perilous times on a project he couldn't fully fathom and wasn't completely convinced of. Tesla held land ownership of the Wardenclyffe site and tower, but no further work was done after 1910. In 1914, Tesla was deeply in debt and signed over the deed of Wardenclyffe Station to pay off years of back rent due to the owners of the New Yorker Hotel where he was living (he occupied two penthouse suites in the hotel). In 1917, the hotel owners had the tower demolished and its parts sold for salvage. Despite the loss of Wardenclyffe, Tesla continued to refine his understanding of Radiant Energy and miniaturize the equipment needed to produce it. He eventually was able to reduce the equipment down to the size of a suit case.
Time Reversal
What is time reversal? According to TD Lee, time reversal is lika a film on a drop of water from faucet hitting the sink and making a splash, when shown backward, start from gathering of splash, reform the drop and goes back to faucet.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Secret about Tesla Magnifying Transmitter
Even by closing the loop on the spiral pancake coil, the overunity still exists. This really defy the current known circuit theory since any transformer can yield higher output power.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tesla remote control for boat
At about this same time, in 1898, Tesla invented and displayed his spectacular remote control torpedo boat at the Electrical Show at Madison Square Garden, a magnificent building financed by Morgan and designed and managed by the flamboyant architect Stanford White. This machine, which Tesla called the teleautomaton, contained all of the principles of the radio, electrical action at a distance and also the robot. The press billed the creation as a “torpedo boat without a crew”

Did Tesla transmit power to the boat as well? No, it has a storage battery placed within it. Read more from this website.
Tesla lighting up wireless bulb
Here the picture shows Tesla lighting up wireless bulb. The huge pancake coil is at the background. Tesla is holding one bulb in his hand and a loop wire in another hand.

“In some cases when small amounts of energy are required the high elevation of the terminals, and more particularly of the receiving-terminal D' may not be necessary, since, especially when the frequency of the currents is very high, a sufficient amount of energy may be collected at that terminal by electrostatic induction from the upper air strata, which are rendered conducting by the active terminal of the transmitter or through which the currents from the same are conveyed."

Figure 1 Nikola Tesla sending 500KV through his body to illuminate a vacuum lamp in a multiple exposure photograph [circa,1898]
Figure 2 Picture of Tesla demonstrating the wireless power transmission at Madison Square Garden. Same picture as Figure 1. Here you will see a transmitter at the background in addition of the pancake coil.
Figure The high tension current being passed through the body before it excites the lamps to incandesence. The loop is held over the resonating coil by Mr Clemens (Mark Twain). Tesla seems to be at the background. From the April 1895 Century Magazine.
Figure :Wireless energy transmission demonstration during Tesla's high frequency and potential lecture of 1891.

Figure : Tesla illuminating two exhausted tubes by means of a powerful, rapidly alternating electrostatic field created between two sheets of metal suspended from the ceiling on insulating cord.
Figure :Wireless energy transmission demonstration during Tesla's high frequency and potential lecture of 1891.
You can see two plate beside Tesla. Tesla said power can be transmitted through natural medium such as sea,lakes,earth and atmosphere. In atmosphere, if the breakdown voltage is exceeded the gas become ionized. In the picture, a high power ultraviolet beam might be used to form a vertical ionized channel in the air directly between the transmitter receiver station. The picture below shows the circuitry.

Figure : Tesla illuminating two exhausted tubes by means of a powerful, rapidly alternating electrostatic field created between two sheets of metal suspended from the ceiling on insulating cord.
The Tesla effect is the application of a type of electrical displacement, i.e., the passage of electrical energy through space and matter, other than and in addition to the development of a potential across a conductor. Tesla stated,
"Instead of depending on [electrodynamic] induction at a distance to light the tube [... the] ideal way of lighting a hall or room would [...] be to produce such a condition in it that an illuminating device could be moved and put anywhere, and that it is lighted, no matter where it is put and without being electrically connected to anything. I have been able to produce such a condition by creating in the room a powerful, rapidly alternating electrostatic field. For this purpose I suspend a sheet of metal a distance from the ceiling on insulating cords and connect it to one terminal of the induction coil, the other terminal being preferably connected to the ground. Or else I suspend two sheets as [...] each sheet being connected with one of the terminals of the coil, and their size being carefully determined. An exhausted tube may then be carried in the hand anywhere between the sheets or placed anywhere, even a certain distance beyond them; it remains always luminous."
“In some cases when small amounts of energy are required the high elevation of the terminals, and more particularly of the receiving-terminal D' may not be necessary, since, especially when the frequency of the currents is very high, a sufficient amount of energy may be collected at that terminal by electrostatic induction from the upper air strata, which are rendered conducting by the active terminal of the transmitter or through which the currents from the same are conveyed."
Tesla also mentioned that wire can be heated and melted but not to humans.
"I have produced electrical oscillations which were of such intensity that when circulating through my arms and chest they have melted wires which joined my hands, and still I felt no inconvenience. I have energized with such oscillations a loop of heavy copper wire so powerfully that masses of metal, and even objects of an electrical resistance specifically greater than that of human tissue brought close to or placed within the loop, were heated to a high temperature and melted, often with the violence of an explosion, and yet into this very space in which this terribly-destructive turmoil was going on I have repeatedly thrust my head without feeling anything or experiencing injurious after-effects. " from Century Magazine, June 1900
More details on these in Century Magazine.
Restudy on Daniel McFarland

Daniel McFarland dual coil looks like Tesla wireless transmission coils wired together.
The core A looks like Bedini R60 rods bundle together.
Same size of wire usually
-Iron core or bundle of iron wires(higher tension)
-2,3 inches in diameter
-Length: 2,3,6 feet
-Wire Insulation:Silk,Shellac, paraffine(can melt)
B AWG30 Primary
-Uninsulated helix wire
-Insulated between coil
C AWG16 Secondary
-Ribbon spiral may be substitute
-3,6,12,24 inches in width
-Any length
Pri:Sec=Same direction winding
C connects to B'
B connects to C'
The core A looks like Bedini R60 rods bundle together.
Same size of wire usually
-Iron core or bundle of iron wires(higher tension)
-2,3 inches in diameter
-Length: 2,3,6 feet
-Wire Insulation:Silk,Shellac, paraffine(can melt)
B AWG30 Primary
-Uninsulated helix wire
-Insulated between coil
C AWG16 Secondary
-Ribbon spiral may be substitute
-3,6,12,24 inches in width
-Any length
Pri:Sec=Same direction winding
C connects to B'
B connects to C'
More details here.
The suppression of Tesla's free energy
For those doubters about Tesla's free energy being suppresed by JP Morgan, this documentary provides the inside information about the actual statement and events. It is based on Marc J. Seifer book, " Nikola Tesla: The Lost Wizard".
The missing secrets of Nikola Tesla - The Lost Archives - Phenomenon
This documentary explaines that perhaps Tesla finds that the technology is not suitable.
The missing secrets of Nikola Tesla - The Lost Archives - Phenomenon
This documentary explaines that perhaps Tesla finds that the technology is not suitable.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Power Transmission over water
As Tesla mentioned power can be transmitted over sea water. Using Meyl experiment kit, the ground wire was replaced by tap water. The power can be transmitted but only within 30 cm range.
Meyl has also stated in his scalar wave transponder booklet that the is no energy transmission loss by square of the distance. With higher amplitude in voltage, the distance of transmission can be increased. Meyl uses 5W and 20V with the experimental coil.
Meyl has also stated in his scalar wave transponder booklet that the is no energy transmission loss by square of the distance. With higher amplitude in voltage, the distance of transmission can be increased. Meyl uses 5W and 20V with the experimental coil.
Monday, February 23, 2009
The principle of free energy
John Bedini has mentioned in Part 7 of Energy from Vacuum DVD that it is the impulse current going into the coil and the so-called back EMF from coil due to the collapsing of the magnetic field in the coil is the energy from vacuum. This energy can be collected into capacitor as positive energy or collected in battery as negative energy. The coil that resists the current during the switching on of power supply to the coil and contributed to transient voltage also plays a part to supply this energy from the vacuum. In other words to the electrical engineer, the transient voltage that we regarded as noise and tried to filtered off is playing a very important roles here.
If we read the Hans Coler report, the academic professors who tries to understand Hans Coler device eventually went into coil open and closed circuit study.
Another video here done by others that a cap that barely discharges itself can harvest the energy into another cap at higher voltage.
If we read the Hans Coler report, the academic professors who tries to understand Hans Coler device eventually went into coil open and closed circuit study.
Another video here done by others that a cap that barely discharges itself can harvest the energy into another cap at higher voltage.
John Kanzius's Water Fuel Cell
John Kanzius's RF wave can burn the salt water into flames. In this video, he also demonstrated that he can light up a fluorescent tube (at 1:40min). This looks similar to the cold electricity demonstration that I put up earlier.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Stephen Mark's Solid State Generator
Here are the videos of Stephen Mark Solid State Generator.
1. Solid State
2. Bulb is warm - Doesn't seem like cold electricity
3. A little vibration
4. A patent has been issued and 100 more application.
The said patent is sold to MPI.
1. Solid State
2. Bulb is warm - Doesn't seem like cold electricity
3. A little vibration
4. A patent has been issued and 100 more application.
The said patent is sold to MPI.
Permanent Magnet Motor
Perendev Motor is actually using Howard Johnson magnetic motor principles. Bedini, Bearden, Ron Cole motor is the same.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Visualizing Magnetic Field
Here Howard Johnson visualized the magnetic field to be of vortex. This supports the theory of Meyl vortex theory. I am searching for methods to visualize it. Here is movie done by NASA.
Magnetic Movie from Semiconductor on Vimeo.
Magnetic Movie from Semiconductor on Vimeo.
Interesting magnetic field visualization
Here is the NASA visualization of hidden magnetic field lines. Looks similar to Howard Johnson's.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tesla Single Wire without flat pancake coil
Here I used two standard E coil transformer to replace the Tesla's pancake coil transformers. Waveform can be transfer as well but the efficiency is not measured yet. One note: the output voltage can never be higher than input voltage like in Tesla's pancake coil.
1. No spherical capacitor is needed as well.
2. Light up a LED in the open single wire.
3. No difference in clipping any polarity terminals on the single wire coil.
4. Touching the open coil will increase the waveform voltage.
5. Touching any terminal on the single wire, and input and output terminals will not affect the waveform.
6. Touching the open terminal of single wire coil and any terminal of input or output coil will affect the waveform voltage. (similar to 4 but less intensity.)
1. No spherical capacitor is needed as well.
2. Light up a LED in the open single wire.
3. No difference in clipping any polarity terminals on the single wire coil.
4. Touching the open coil will increase the waveform voltage.
5. Touching any terminal on the single wire, and input and output terminals will not affect the waveform.
6. Touching the open terminal of single wire coil and any terminal of input or output coil will affect the waveform voltage. (similar to 4 but less intensity.)
Chung's Negative Resistor
The Chung's resistor exhibits negative resistance. When positive voltage is applied, the current flow in negative direction, i.e. the current voltage characteristics is a straight line of negative slope.
Research leader Deborah D. L. Chung says she has created zero resistance ``without cooling and without a superconducting material.'' When combined with other materials with positive resistance, the scientists came up with zero resistance, she says.
Does the positive resistor exhibit heat dissipation? What happened when staggered together in many layers?
Research leader Deborah D. L. Chung says she has created zero resistance ``without cooling and without a superconducting material.'' When combined with other materials with positive resistance, the scientists came up with zero resistance, she says.
Does the positive resistor exhibit heat dissipation? What happened when staggered together in many layers?
Monday, February 2, 2009
Cold Electricity Part 2
The cold electricity is said to be negative energy. Here, I found another possible way to study cold electricity: Naudin is replicating Professor Seike's G-Strain energy absorber.
The principle: rotating electrical AC field superimposed on DC magnetic field.
Does vortex theory supported here??
The principle: rotating electrical AC field superimposed on DC magnetic field.
Does vortex theory supported here??
Shock Wave in Longitudinal Wave
In The True Wireless, Electrical Experimenter, May 1919, Tesla mentioned that its single wire system is actually analogous to hydraulic system. As we know in hydraulic system, shock wave occurs at the front of the piston.
Here in Fogal semiconductor, Fogal explained that his device is similarly to an engine with compressed charge.
Bearden mentioned that Tesla's single wire circuit is a fundamental "strain-to-stress" transduction mechanism.
Bedini motor charger is actually a Tesla's single wire system whereby the capacitor is replaced with a battery.
Here in Fogal semiconductor, Fogal explained that his device is similarly to an engine with compressed charge.
Bearden mentioned that Tesla's single wire circuit is a fundamental "strain-to-stress" transduction mechanism.
Bedini motor charger is actually a Tesla's single wire system whereby the capacitor is replaced with a battery.
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Principle of Hans Color Device
I noticed that Hans Coler Device is permanent magnet wrap around with wire coil similarly to Jack Hilden Brand electromagnet motor . It looks like magnetic flux switch turning the magnetic flux from permanent magnet on and off. Daniel MacFarland Cook invention also uses about coil around magnetic core and permanent magnet, but it has inner and outer coils them.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Curved Space Time
In flat space time, we can only get a triangle with a total angle of 180 degree. We can never have 3 90 degree angle corners for triangle. In curved space time, however, this is very different. Imagine you make a 90 degree angle corner at the north pole, and make two north to south lines from the corner down to equator. At the equator, one line make a 90 degree left turn and the other make another 90 degree right turn. and make a line length of a quarter of equator circumference. Here you have a triangle of three 90 degree angle corners in curved space time.
How do we get more energy out from curved space time then?
How do we get more energy out from curved space time then?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Cold Electricity
1893: Nikola Tesla demonstrated the illumination of vacuum bulbs wirelessly (without any wires connected to the bulbs) at the World Columbian Exposition in Chicago.
EV Gray demonstrated lighting up a bulb inside the water without being electrocuted. Dr. Lindemann who studied EV Gray patents can also reproduce tesla wireless bulb with one hand touching the base of the bulb and another friend touching the other terminal of the bulb, when the replicated Tesla wireless transmitter running behind.

Richard box demonstrated fluorescent bulb lighting up under high tension power grid in UK.

German ministers holding a fluorescent bulb near Prof Konstantin Meyl's scalar wave transmitter system.

John Bedini lighted up a NE2 bulb near the plastics of lead acid battery, not even touching the plastics, with his radiant charger running. The other end of the NE2 is connected to a metal that is grounded.
Eric is running one wire solid state high voltage (1-2KV) fluorescent lamp.

In all these demonstration, no closed loop circuit is involved; high potential is involved (like electrostatic charge) and the person are not electrocuted. Could this "cold electricity" power devices without heatsink?

Richard box demonstrated fluorescent bulb lighting up under high tension power grid in UK.

German ministers holding a fluorescent bulb near Prof Konstantin Meyl's scalar wave transmitter system.
John Bedini lighted up a NE2 bulb near the plastics of lead acid battery, not even touching the plastics, with his radiant charger running. The other end of the NE2 is connected to a metal that is grounded.
In all these demonstration, no closed loop circuit is involved; high potential is involved (like electrostatic charge) and the person are not electrocuted. Could this "cold electricity" power devices without heatsink?
Misleading Power Measurement in Meyl's Experiment
Professor Konstatin Meyl has replicated Tesla's wireless system in miniature form and is selling his experimental kit. He suggested a simple DC measurement on the transmitter and receiver side by placing the jumper to the DC load. The current measurement is abandoned and assume a higher voltage at the same resistor will entail also a higher current by Ohm's law. If the DC voltage at the receiver is higher than the voltage at the transmitter, a so-called Overunity effect is present and the COP is > 1.
This is really misleading because the DC load at the transmitter is in parallel to the excitation coil at the primary side. In actual fact, when the so called "overunity" effect happens, the current going into the excitation coil is very high, while it DC load voltage is very low. The best way to measure is to lift the jumper at the transmitter; hence only powering the input coil; then, switch the jumper to ac load at the receiver and measure the input rms voltage, input rms current, output rms voltage and output rms current. So far, I have not seen any overunity gain.
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